
The best culinary trick: This way your pancakes will always be soft and airy!

A recipe that the best confectioners brag about! In case you are a fan of pancakes , then you must know this great trick , which is used by confectioners, and which makes the dough soft, delicious and airy. The portal "Genius Recipes" writes that it is crucial to use fresh eggs , and in addition you should prepare the dough in a slightly different way. In the recipe praised by the best confectioners , the eggs are first broken and the yolks are separated from the egg whites. The egg yolks are mixed with milk, and the egg whites are followed at the very end, so that the pancakes get an airy shape and softness. Adding egg whites at the end of dough preparation is a trick used in the preparation of souffle - to keep the souffle foamy and light. In addition to softness and airiness, by preparing pancakes in this way, the dough will become thinner and will be soft. You can apply this trick in any recipe for pancakes that uses eggs. Just separate the egg yolks from the egg whites

Old recipe for pancakes: Thin and soft as a soul!



Pancake batter

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